Author Guidelines

All author candidates who submit a manuscript to Akdeniz İletişim are deemed to have committed to preparing their manuscript in accordance with the rules specified here. Manuscripts that do not comply with these rules will be rejected by the editorial board at the preliminary evaluation stage without being sent to the reviewers for further peer-review processes.

Guidelines and rules are meticulously applied to act in accordance with the rules of the indexes to which Akdeniz İletişim is subject, and to be accepted by higher level journal indexes by publishing qualified studies. Thus, studies that do not comply with these rules are rejected at the preliminary evaluation stage. For minor deficiencies in terms of Author Guidelines, revisions are requested from the authors, but no concessions are made in these revision requests. For this reason, it is of great importance for author candidates who are considering submitting their manuscript to Akdeniz İletişim to take into account the rules and recommendations in this section.


In addition, we would like to inform that it is the authors' own responsibility to follow the processes. All responsibility for the delays caused by the author belongs to the author.

It is Akdeniz İletişim’s priority criteria that;
1. all manuscripts to be submitted are written in accordance with APA’s journal article reporting standards (available at
2. their references are arranged by using Mendeley ( or Endnote ( reference managers.
3. the number of words used in the titles is at most 12, the number of words used in the abstract is between 150-250, and the number of words in the manuscript is between 5000-8500 (including the abstract, tables and footnotes, excluding the References).
4. the manuscripts are scanned for plagiarism on Turnitin or iThenticate, and their originality reports are uploaded to the Manuscript Submission System.

Writing and Publishing Rules

- Manuscripts submitted to Akdeniz İletişim must be original and must not have been published elsewhere and sent for publication. The preliminary, peer-review and/or publication processes of the manuscripts that are found to be published in other journals or publications are terminated.
- Due to the indexation rules that Akdeniz İletişim is subject to, the same author cannot publish more than one article in a year. In addition, each author is required to submit only one (1) manuscript in one issue for consideration. An author (whether first, second, third, etc.) may submit only one (1) manuscript per issue. Otherwise, all manuscripts submitted by an author will be rejected at the preliminary evaluation stage.
- All authors who have contributed to the submitted manuscript should be stated as an author of the manuscript. If this is not notified by the corresponding author at the beginning, no corrections regarding author contributions will be processed even if the authors request any correction from Akdeniz İletişim later. JAUFC has no legal responsibility in this sense. Authors who submit articles to Akdeniz İletişim are deemed to have accepted the legal issues.
- All manuscripts should be prepared on the Manuscript Template. You can download the Manuscript Template here.
- The files to be uploaded separately from the Manuscript Template are stated below:
        o Turnitin / iThenticate Originality Report,
        o Cover Letter (in which authors’ information regarding their names, ORCID numbers, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and their short bio are provided) (should be filled and signed by all authors),
        o Copyright Transfer Form (should be filled and signed by corresponding authors),
        o Letter of Approval by Institutional Review Boards (where required)
- No author information should be included in the manuscript files sent for evaluation.
- Manuscripts should be prepared by using the MS Office Word program (.doc, .docx). No other formats are accepted.
- If the manuscripts have been previously presented in a meeting / symposium, the date and place of the meeting/symposium should be stated in the Cover Letter.
- Only manuscripts produced from doctoral dissertations are accepted for evaluation, those produced from master's thesis are not evaluated.
- If the manuscript was previously submitted as a doctoral dissertation and is produced from that dissertation, the title of the doctoral thesis should be stated and the information regarding the institute/institution, supervisor, etc. must be reported in the Cover Letter. The editorial board has the right to remove an article that was detected to have been produced from a doctoral thesis, even after it has been published, even though it was not notified by the author.
- If the manuscript produced from the doctoral dissertation is submitted to JAUFC as a manuscript produced by a single name, the petition of the doctoral dissertation supervisor notifying that he has waived all his rights (it is mandatory to have the doctoral dissertation supervisor’s wet signature) must be uploaded to the system. Thesis abstracts with a single name will be rejected at the preliminary evaluation stage if they do not upload this petition to the system.
- A maximum of three manuscripts produced from doctoral dissertations are published in all issues in a year.
- If the manuscript has been supported by a funding agency, the information regarding the funder, project number, etc. must be reported in the Cover Letter.
- APA 7 citation rules ( should be considered when making in-text references to the sources used in the manuscripts and preparing the references at the end of the manuscript. The works in the references should be listed alphabetically. The works in the references should be included in the text, and the works cited in the text should be included in the References.
- At the end of the manuscripts written in Turkish, there should be an English extended abstract section of at least 600 and maximum 850 words that briefly summarizes the study. Extended abstract in English is only required for Turkish manuscripts. Structured extended abstracts are not required for manuscripts in English. Please consider the Extended Abstract format available in the Manuscript Template.
- The main titles of the manuscript (including the titles of Introduction, Conclusion, References and Extended Abstract) should be written in lowercase, 12 point, bold and centered, with the first letters capitalized. Except for the main title, introduction, conclusion, references and extended abstract sections, all titles should be numbered and these numbered titles should be left-justified in the text. Headings and subheadings should be short and clear. Please consider the Manuscript Template.
- Manuscripts should be written in Calibri (Body), in 12 pt and 1.5 line spacing.
- Pages should be arranged with 2.5 cm margins on the right, left, top and bottom. Paragraphs in the manuscript should be indented. Paragraph spacing should be 0 pt first and then 6 pt. Page numbers should not be added. The titles of figures, graphics and pictures are at the bottom in 10 pt, in the middle and in bold. Table headings should be in 10 font size, left aligned and numbered in bold at the top.
- It will be appropriate for manuscripts to comply with the following order in the studies: Title, Abstract, Keywords, English Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main Text, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References, and Structured Extended Abstract in English (if the manuscript is in Turkish). APA Journal Article Reporting Standards must be applied.
- Manuscripts should employ in-text references for citations instead of footnotes. If footnotes are needed, footnotes should be written in 8 pt and single line spacing.
- All manuscripts prepared in Turkish or English must have been grammarly proofread by a native speaker.
- All legal, academic, ethical, etc. responsibility belongs to the author(s). Manuscripts should not contain plagiarism, and originality report obtained from Turnitin or iThenticate should be uploaded to the Manuscript Submission System together with the study. For manuscripts to be evaluated, the Turnitin/ iThenticate originality report must be 15% or less (with less than 9 words, including citations, excluding references). The rate of quoting from the same study should be at most 3%. Manuscripts with a similarity rate above or those without a Turnitin/iThenticate report will be desk-rejected.
- In accordance with the copyright law, the permissions for quotations, tables, pictures, examples, etc. used in the manuscript must be obtained by the authors from the copyright-holders.
- If human factor is involved in research articles, then the Letter of Approval by Institutional Review Boards should be uploaded to the system. Manuscripts that do not require such letter are required to upload a wet-signed petition to the system for notifying this situation.

Referencing Rules

• Only APA 7 style rules ( should be applied for references and in-text citations.
• The References should include the DOI numbers of the works which were assigned a DOI number.

Eklenme tarihi :4.04.2023 10:51:44
Son güncelleme : 30.05.2023 10:24:30