Journal Info

Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Communication (hereinafter referred to as ‘JAUFC’) is an academic, peer-reviewed and international journal in which studies in the field of communication are published. JAUFC has been published by Akdeniz University Faculty of Communication since 2003 as a periodical that attaches importance to the interdisciplinary nature of the field of communication and aims to contribute to the development of the literature in the field of communication as a priority task. Published online and open access as of the 27th issue published in 2017, JAUFC is scanned by ULAKBİM SBVT, EBSCO, RESEARCHBİB, SciLit, SOBIAD, Turkish Education Index, ERIH PLUS and MIAR databases. The language of JAUFC, which is published as a tri-annual e-journal in April, August and December, is Turkish and English. JAUFC is under review by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). 


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Eklenme tarihi :4.04.2023 10:58:10
Son güncelleme : 29.05.2023 13:37:20